In early 2024 I had the chance to travel to the northerly island of Hokkaido in Japan alongside a wonderful team, tasked with capturing the unique relationship between traditional fisherman and the wildlife inhabiting the easterly shores of this wild land.


Every Winter below the frozen surface of Lake Furen fisherman lay nets, catching fish below the ice.  Traditionally a portion of the fish is left out for the benefit of local wildlife, with the main beneficiaries being the Black kites, White-tailed eagles, the rare Steller's sea eagle and local Ezo foxes. 

A melee often ensues when fish is left out, with the boldest individuals from each species fighting for the right to feed. 


Shooting alongside the brilliant Barrie Britton I was tasked with filming fox/eagle interactions on a long lens, in conjunction with gimbal & drone footage of the fisherman tending to their catch. 

Despite the bitingly cold environment and the wariness of the Steller's sea eagles the team managed to capture close encounters between the birds and foxes, and a portrait of this unique and beautiful area.


Shot with: Barrie Britton

Director: Billy Clapham

Shoot support/fixing: Rei Shimomura

Kit: RED Gemini, Z Cam F6, DJI RS3 gimbal, Mavic 3 drone.